‘Summer at the Santorini Bookshop’ by Rebecca Raisin

Genre: Adult Fiction – Chic Lit

Published: 2024

Format: eBook

Rating: ★★★★★

I absolutely adored this book! Another brilliant story from Rebecca Raisin and the fake-dating trope worked really well; in some stories it doesn’t quite work but this really did. I loved it! I just can’t seem to get enough of Rebecca Raisin’s writing, I want to devour them faster than I think she can write them frankly.

Evie and Georgios were such a cute couple, and I loved the idea of a book romance, of companionable reading with someone you love. The bookshop, Bibliotherapy, also sounds amazing and somewhere I’d like to go! The descriptions of Santorini were beautiful, a bookshop on the cliff sounds like the perfect place to go on holiday.

The characters of the islanders and the dogs in particular were fantastic and kept you laughing throughout. With the dogs like Pee Wee, Houdini, and Lily the story was never dull – vanishing, stealing, urinating, and just getting attached to people, they were so cute, and I’m not a dog person. Floretta was also a great character who kept Evie and Georgios exploring and discovering each other. And hearing about how each of her husband’s died I kept bursting into laughter.

I can’t wait for the next book by Rebecca Raisin and, in the meantime, I’ll keep working my way through her back catalogue!

‘Summer at the Cornish Café’ by Phillipa Ashley

Genre: Adult Fiction – Chic Lit

Published: 2016

Format: eBook

Rating: ★★★★

I actually started reading the second book in this series first and thought that I was missing something, not realising, and I had to go back and read this one! I don’t mind that there was more to the series than I first thought – I love Phillipa Ashley for a relaxing feel-good book.

After reading this I’m excited to get back into the second book and find out how Demi and Cal’s story continues. The characters in this trilogy are a real mixed bag of personalities and it’s great seeing how they play off each other. Demi is a fiery character who speaks her mind and has some brilliant ideas, and it causes fireworks but has the makings of something very special. I’m glad this is a trilogy because there is so much more to go into with Demi and Cal, Isla and Like, and Mawgan, Robyn and Andi.

I want to see Kilhallon surpass all expectations! It’s such a great concept and it’s been interesting seeing the concepts of the resort develop throughout the book despite all of the setbacks and complications. I want to see how the opening goes and the exciting potential of Demi and Cal’s joint venture. I think I’m more interested in that than their burgeoning relationship!

I’ve never been to Cornwall, but these books make me want to visit! I love a Phillipa Ashley book, and I’ve still got a lot of her back catalogue to read so I’m very excited to keep reading!

‘A Golden Cornish Summer’ by Phillipa Ashley

Genre: Adult Fiction – Chic Lit

Published: 2022

Format: eBook

Rating: ★★★★

Another great read from Phillipa Ashley. I stayed up late to finish it because I couldn’t put it down. I find this with Ashley’s books; once I reach the last quarter I tend to finish it because I can’t bear to put it down!

Once again visiting Falford, we meet Emma who is an illustrator returning to her childhood town. Running into her teenage sweetheart, Luke, on the beach starts a story where you know the pair will end up together again, but it’s the journey there that matters. Much of the conflict comes from a discovered hoard of buried treasure years before, but other family secrets and tensions come to the surface, past and present, and you know everything will be revealed, but it’s how the characters deal with this that makes for such involving reading.

It is set in a beautiful location, and you can imagine yourself on the beaches and in the seaside towns of Cornwall even if, like me, you’ve never been there. Ashley’s books make me want to visit though! This story really has a small town feel with gossip spreading and everyone knowing everyone else’s business all of the time.

I also loved Emma’s friend, Maxi, and her children. The children added some comic relief and Maxi was a way for Emma to reveal her feelings and thoughts within the story. The characters, location, and added bonus of buried treasure combine to make this a lovely relaxing book, full of hope and inspiration.

‘An Endless Cornish Summer’ by Phillipa Ashley

Genre: Adult Fiction – Chic Lit

Published: 2021

Format: Audiobook

Rating: ★★★★

I really enjoyed this. I’d previously been gifted ‘A Special Cornish Christmas’ by the publisher and loved that, so when this came up on Borrowbox I grabbed the chance to revisit the community at Falmouth.

Rose was such a fascinating character who had overcome so much and was determined to grab life with both hands. Her choice of career also intrigued me, as I love history, and she was an archaeologist, so I think that drew me to her as a characters as I’ve always thought archaeology looked so interesting, though I’ve never tried it. Finn and Joey were also interesting characters, though I do wish we’d got a bit more of their history a little earlier on in the book; it all seemed to come together in the last couple of chapters.

Ashley has a real knack with creating atmosphere and a community feeling even for a character who came to the story as an outsider, searching for the man who had donated the bone marrow that saved her life. She quickly throws herself into community life and becomes a part of it, which was lovely, especially her relationship with Oriel and the myths and legends of Cornwall which intrigue but don’t convince them both.

A great relaxing romance for curling up with on a cold night and dreaming of summer.

‘You and Me on Vacation’ by Emily Henry

Genre: Adult Fiction – Chic Lit

Published: 2021

Format: Paperback

Rating: ★★

I was really disappointed in this, which surprised me, because I so loved the first book by Emily Henry that I read; ‘Beach Read’. I think what I particularly didn’t like about this one was that it jumped backwards and forwards so many times, and not just between two different time periods, but through about 10! It was too much, and I don’t think it added an awful lot to the story really.

As to the characters, I really loved Alex but felt a bit meh about Poppy. She couldn’t seem to decide what she wanted other than to travel, and she seemed quite flaky. Their stories drag out too long as they tiptoe around each other not saying what everyone else knows. It drove me mad, and I had to put it down a couple of times. Many books that use the friends to lovers premise you can see the main characters moving towards each other, but this one there seemed to be no movement until suddenly it was happening.

There were some laugh-out-loud moments, like with the air con in the apartment, and those were the saving grace for me. This book just wasn’t for me, but I’m still eager to try ‘Book Lovers’ because I loved ‘Beach Read’ so much.